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Karel's Cheese House
15 May 2024

Jokes archive (misc_qa)

Q: What was Kunta Kinte's prostitute sister's name?
A: Rent a Kunta (joke-id:2115)

Q: What's the difference between a job and a wife?
A: After 20 years a job still sucks. (joke-id:2116)

Q: Why was the black kid crying while he was having diarreah?
A: He thought he was melting? (joke-id:2117)

Q: Why won't mothers let their black kids play in the sand box?
A: Because cats try to burry them. (joke-id:2118)

Q: Why should you wrap electrical tape around hamsters?
A: So they don't blow up when you fuck them. (joke-id:2119)

Q: Why was the wheelbarrow invented in Africa?
A: So Blacks could learn to walk on two legs. (joke-id:2120)

Q: Did you hear why the fag put his arse in the refrigerator?
A: So that he's mate would have something cool to slip into when he came home. Q. What do you do when the dishwasher quits working? A. Slap her. (joke-id:2121)

Q: What is black, white, and red and can't get through a revolving door?
A: A nun with a spear through her head. (joke-id:2122)

Q: What is Black and White and runs along the boardwalk making a lot of noise?
A: A Nigger and a seagul fighting over a chicken bone! (joke-id:2123)

Q: What's Rodeo Sex?
A: It's where you fuck her doggie style, with a tit in each hand, and whisper in her ear: "Your sister likes it this way, too." (joke-id:2124)

Q: What's yellow and sleeps alone?
A: Yoko Ono. (joke-id:2125)

Q: Why can't you take a leak at a Beatles concert?
A: There's no John. (joke-id:2126)

Q: What would it take to reunite the Beatles?
A: Three more rounds. (joke-id:2127)

Q: What do you call two guys with no arms and no legs in front of a window?
A: Curt 'n Rod (joke-id:2128)

Q: Did you hear about the blond opening up her own pizza place?
A: She's calling it "Pizza Slut". (joke-id:2129)

Q: How do you know that you've got overweight?
A: If you're lying at the beach and people from Greenpeace try pushing you back into the sea. (joke-id:2130)

Q: why do blondes wear black underwear?
A: In remembrance of all the stiffs buried there... (joke-id:2131)

Q: There's an Australian, a Negro and an Italian all in primary school. Which one has the biggest dick?
A: The Italian - cause he is 26 years old! (joke-id:2132)

Q: How do you fix your dish washer?
A: Kick her in the ass. (joke-id:2133)

Q: How many niggers does it take to clean a toilet?
A: None, that's women's work! (joke-id:2134)

Q: What's the definition of frustration?
A: When your date puts on her bra backwards and it fits. Woman: Slow down, foreplay is an art. Man: Well, if you don't get your canvas arranged soon, I'm going to spill my paint! (joke-id:2135)

Q: Why are women like screen doors?
A: Once they get banged a few times, they loosen up. (joke-id:2136)

Q: How did Helen Keller's parents punish her?
A: They put a toilet seat on the stove. (joke-id:2137)

Q: What's marijuana?
A: Grass that can mow down a gardener. (joke-id:2138)

Q: What's worse than having your doctor tell you you have VD?
A: Having your dentist tell you. (joke-id:2139)


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15 May 2024