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Karel's Cheese House
16 May 2024

Jokes archive (misc_qa)

Q: How many times does 12 go into 35?
A: I don't know - ask MJ!! (joke-id:2465)

Q: Whats the similarity between MJ and C&A's?
A: They both have boys pants half off!! (joke-id:2466)

Q: Did you hear that Macdonalds to produce a new burger called the MacJackson?
A: Its 35 year old meat placed between two 8 year old buns. (joke-id:2467)

Q: What's the toughest stain to get out of a little boy's underwear?
A: Michael Jackson's makeup Q. Why does Michael shriek so loud when he grabs his crotch? A. He's got Macaughly Culkin down his trousers. (joke-id:2468)

Q: What do Michael Jackson and jockeys have in common?
A: They both like to mount 3-year olds! (joke-id:2469)

Q: Did you hear about Michael Jackson's latest indiscression?
A: He was found sitting on Pinnochio's face and making him tell lies. (joke-id:2470)

Q: What's the title of Michael Jackson's new book?
A: The Ins and Outs of Child Rearing. (joke-id:2471)

Q: Did you hear that Michael Jackson was thinking about buying the Washington Redskins?
A: He heard they have a lot of tight ends and they suck! (joke-id:2472)

Q: What's brown and often found in children's underpants??
A: MJ's hand. (joke-id:2473)

Q: What did Tonya say to Nancy as they practiced on the same rink in Lillehammer?
A: "Break a leg!" (joke-id:2474)

Q: Know the first symptom of AIDS?
A: A pounding sensation in the ass..... (joke-id:2475)

Q: What do you call a Chinese kid?
A: A chink off the old block Q. What does a short sighted gynaecologist and a healthy dog have in common? A. They both have wet noses! (joke-id:2476)

Q: What do you have when you have nuts on your wall?
A: Walnuts. (joke-id:2477)

Q: What do you have when you have nuts on your chest?
A: Chesnuts. (joke-id:2478)

Q: What do you have when you have nuts on your chin?
A: A dick in your mouth. (joke-id:2479)

Q: What is better than a bolt on the wall?
A: A screw on the floor. (joke-id:2480)

Q: Why have American women got Big tits and Tight Cracks????!!!
A: Because the American men have Big MOUTHS and Little DICKS!!!! (joke-id:2481)

Q: Why did two drug addicts go to the bank?
A: Because they wanted to open a Joint Account!!! Q. What do you call an epileptic in a vegetable garden? A. A seizure salad. (joke-id:2482)

Q: What tax do you have to pay on heterosexual sex?
A: Holesale tax. (joke-id:2483)

Q: What tax do you have to pay if you are having anal sex?
A: Retail tax. (joke-id:2484)

Q: What tax do you have to pay on oral sex?
A: Income tax. (joke-id:2485)

Q: How do you say the name Bobbit in Russian?
A: Cutacockofv (joke-id:2486)

Q: Why do New Zealanders root their sheep on the edge of cliffs?
A: So they push back harder. (joke-id:2487)

Q: How do you know if a New Zealander's been cheating on his wife?
A: There's wool in his zipper. (joke-id:2488)

Q: What kind of knife did Lorena Bobbitt use to cut off her husband's penis?
A: A de-boner! (joke-id:2489)


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16 May 2024