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Karel's Cheese House
Karel's Cheese House
16 May 2024

Jokes archive (misc_qa)

Q: Why did the Indian chiefs always put their homosexual warrior at the head of the battle line?
A: Because they're brave suckers. (joke-id:2315)

Q: Why did the fag cover himself with whipped cream?
A: He was going to the party as a wet dream. (joke-id:2316)

Q: Why did the preacher get aids?
A: He forgot to wash his organ between hymns. (joke-id:2317)

Q: What do you call a homosexual Jew?
A: He-blew. (joke-id:2318)

Q: What do you call an Irish homosexual?
A: Gay-lick. (joke-id:2319)

Q: What do you call a Chinese homosexual?
A: Chew-man-chew. (joke-id:2320)

Q: How does a faggot fake an orgasm?
A: He pulls out and spits on his partner's back. (joke-id:2321)

Q: Why do men have nipples?
A: So fags will know what they're missing. Q. How come there are only two pallbearearers at an italian funeral? A. Because there are only two handles on a garbage can. Q. What do you call a squadron of Italian paratroopers? A. Air pollution (joke-id:2322)

Q: Jamie, did Michael lay a finger on you?
A: No, it was the Jackson Five. (joke-id:2323)

Q: Why is it foolish to teach Indians to read?
A: Because they are naturally well red. (joke-id:2324)

Q: What do you call a woman in the army?
A: A WAC. (joke-id:2325)

Q: What do you call a black woman in the army?
A: A Wacoon. (joke-id:2326)

Q: What do you call 4 blacks in a 57 Chevy?
A: A blood vessel. (joke-id:2327)

Q: If Tarzan and Jane were Jewish, what would Cheeta be?
A: A fur coat. (joke-id:2328)

Q: Did you hear about the Polish abortion clinic?
A: It has a year long waiting list. (joke-id:2329)

Q: Did you hear about the Pole that went out and bought 4 snow tires?
A: They melted on the way home. (joke-id:2330)

Q: Did you hear about the Pole who lost $50 on the football game?
A: $25 on the game and $25 on the instant replay. (joke-id:2331)

Q: What do mathematicians do when they're constipated?
A: Work it out with a pencil and a piece of paper (joke-id:2332)

Q: What he say to her after she (gulp!) "circumcised" him...
A: "No hard feelings." (joke-id:2333)

Q: Would you hit a cat wearing glasses?
A: No, you hit it with a cricket bat! Q. What goes 'Ha, Ha, Plop!' A. A leper laughing his head off. Q. Why did the brothel outside the leper colony close? A. Business kept dropping off. (joke-id:2334)

Q: Did you hear about the leper who played cards?
A: He threw in his hand. Q. Why were all the people at the party who had brought biscuits happy when the leper arrived? A. He was the dip! Q. What do you get when an epileptic leper has a fit in your bath? A. Porridge. Q. What did the leper say to the whore? A. Keep the tip Q. How do you get a skeleton? A. Put a leper in a wind tunnel Q. What's the defintion of self-destruct? A. An epileptic leper. Q. Did you hear about the lepers playing poker? A. One threw his hand in & the others laughed their head off Q. What do you call a leper pool-party? A. Minestrone soup. Q. How do you get a leper? A. Throw meat pies at a skeleton (joke-id:2335)

Q: Why do Polish babies have big heads?
A: So they don't fall out during the bridal dance. (joke-id:2336)

Q: Why can't blacks celebrate Thanksgiving?
A: Kentucky Fried Chicken isn't open on holidays. (joke-id:2337)

Q: Why don't sharks attack blacks?
A: Because they mistake them for whale shit. (joke-id:2338)

Q: Why can't blacks do push-ups?
A: Because their lips stick to the floor before their chests touch. (joke-id:2339)


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16 May 2024